Lisbeth Uribe

Lisbeth Uribe holds her Masters degree in Science Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and Bachelors degree in Biology from Princeton University. Lisbeth came to The School at Columbia as a founding faculty member, first joining the 3rd grade team in 2003 and then, in 2004, developing and teaching the science curriculum for Kindergarten through 4th grade. She has also taught 8th grade science. Working with her colleagues, Lisbeth created an applied science curriculum using Lego robotics for grades 2 through 4 (recipient of the 2009 Teach Tech Award). In addition to teaching science, Lisbeth runs a competitive robotics after school team. The team has been invited to represent the United States at international RoboCupJunior competitions since 2007. Lisbeth’s interests in the environment, robotics and international education have taken her to such far away places as Antarctica, China, South Africa, India and the Caribbean. Another passion of Lisbeth's is the study of oceans. As a Teacher at Sea, Lisbeth assisted scientists aboard a NOAA research vessel in conducting a survey of clam species on the Georges Bank. That her students also have the opportunity to experience the thrill of hands-on outdoor research is extremely important to Lisbeth, particularly given the urban setting of our schools.

Follow Lisbeth @lisbethuribe

Teach21@The School at Columbia University

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New York, NY 10025