Mimi Hsu

Mimi Hsu is currently a Music Teacher at The School at Columbia, working with students in Kindergarten and Grades 3, 5, and 8. She enjoys teaching music and collaborating with many passionate educators at The School. Recently, she has been focused on blending social studies subjects into her music curriculum and taking her students on a fun and meaningful music learning journey together. Her extensive teaching includes Avenues The World School NYC, the Diller-Quaile School of Music, Greenwich House Music School, Hoff-Barthelson Music School and Queens College. Additionally, she is quite active as a clinician in merging Dalcroze education and Suzuki Method programs throughout the United States. Her adult Dalcroze workshops have been presented in Beijing Central Conservatory, Tainan University of Technology, The Dalcroze School of the Rockies Summer Dalcroze Academy, Music Education Workshops/Dalcroze Program at DePaul University, Chicago, New York Dalcroze Chapter, Dance Department at Marymount College, and Carnegie Hall “Link Up” & “Ensemble Connect” Education Programs. 

Teach21@The School at Columbia University

556 W 110th Street
New York, NY 10025